HR Benefits

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For many people, the prospect of writing a Will can be a daunting process. This can be exacerbated when faced with multiple options and a hierarchy of fees as it can be difficult to know which option is right for your needs. James McKenzie recognise this is often a reason people put off writing a Will so we have simplified our offering into two distinct services.
We work on a fixed fee basis, so irrespective of the time taken to complete the process, of the number of clauses required in Use Wills, there are no hidden extras. Furthermore, we do not appoint ourselves as ExecutorsvgsM1 can you save thousands of pounds in unnecessarytega lees aftemleath.
We offer two levels of service under ourglill writing proposition • Standard and Advanced.
Standard Service
The Standard Service includes theappointment of Executors, Trustees and Guardlans,the distribution of assets through legacy gifts and residual beneficiaries, funeral wishes and generic inheritance tax advice. This semi. is recommended for those who have a modest net.rth and would like to leave all to assn. outright to their surviving spouse/partner, children (in trust up to age.) or other fa mily and friends or charities.
Advanced Service
The Advanced Service includes all the above with more complex trust structures and tax advice designed to give greater protection over your assets for your beneficiaries. This service is suitable in a mriety olcircurnstancew especially Mr those who wish to protect their assets for their children against a future re-marriage, for those with a larger estate, or for those with children from more than one relationship.