Corporate Solutions – Employee Benefit

About Us


Companies offering their staff Will writing as an employee benefit show they care not only about the staff member, but their whole family.
Having Will writing as an employee benefit:
- Gives the whole family protection, not just the employee
- Ensures expression of wish for superannuation is current
- Employees are advised, rather than sold to
- Recommended by HR, so peace of mind for the employee that the company is reputable
- Employee can take up benefit anytime throughout the year
- Enables employers to offer their staff extra perks and services at little or no extra cost to the company
Why use James McKenzie
- Marketing communications and client booking service provided by James McKenzie, ensuring HR’s work load for the promotion of the benefit is kept to a minimum
- Educational seminars and road shows offered to employees
- Professional & efficient service with employees met at their offices or homes
- Inheritance Tax advice offered to all clients where appropriate with UK assets
- Advice given on all potential scenarios so the will is as future proofed as possible
- James McKenzie do not act as Executors, potentially saving family members unnecessary legal fees after death
What are the alternatives
- No advice given causing more problems than not having a Will
- Solicitors make more money out of correcting badly written Wills than writing Wills themselves
- Many go un-opened – packs are bought and shelved without being looked at
- Uncertainty as to whether they will do what they need to
- Will try to appoint themselves as executors
- Significant fees after death
- Often hold the Will hoping your executors will use them and charge a fee
- Charges often vary depending on number of clauses, time spent, numbers of drafts prepared, etc
- Normally appoint themselves as Executors
- Often not specifically trained in Will writing as they cover many areas of law